Perinatal Anxiety
Anxiety during pregnancy and in the first year postnatally is as common as depression.
The MAMMI study found that 1 in 14 women experienced anxiety before they became pregnant,
almost 1 in 20 experienced anxiety during pregnancy and this increased to 1 in 8 just three months after the baby was born.
However, a lot of new mothers may not recognize this anxiety and its effects on their emotional and mental well-being.
Anxiety and worries are normal responses that we feel to threats, changes and new situations.
Such as pregnancy, birth and the transition into parenthood.
But how do I know if I have perinatal anxiety or need support?
It’s when the anxiety or worries take over, become constant or disrupt your normal day to day activities, relationships or precious time with your baby.
Perinatal Anxiety looks and feels like
If you are struggling with any of the above, I am here to support and guide you with resources to help you
down regulate your anxiety and manage its disruptive symptoms.
Perinatal anxiety support sessions
Perinatal Anxiety management is usually delivered over a series of three sessions and includes the following: